The digital platform built for change
Reward yourself with ArrowSphere  and achieve operational and business excellence. Using this cloud delivery & management platform will simplify and enrich your job in many ways, giving you the recognition you deserve in 2025.
ArrowSphere simplifies the sales of your cloud services by functioning as a one-stop shop, streamlining your workflows from ordering to billing and supporting you in scaling your business by providing multiple upselling tools.   
From Operational Excellence... to Cloud Business Excellence
ArrowSphere offers a one click licensing & subscription functionality for partners to select the cloud services you need - in a pay as you use model. 
Realize increased efficiency with fewer touch points and create new streams of revenue.  
Easy Quoting
Manage end customer quotes with
pricing plans and a powerful search bar 
Renewal Alerts
Get one overview of
all customer renewals 
Align different subscriptions on
one renewal date in one 
Scheduled Orders
Plan provisioning of products
in the future  
Add-On Management
Know which add-on can
be added to which product 
Promotion Management 
Validate online if a promotion
is applicable to a user 
Expand your customer services with this suite of dashboards. 
With a suite of unique dashboards, ArrowSphere goes beyond basic cloud management to support your growth.  

With cybercrime costs expected to increase to 10 trillion dollars in 2025, ArrowSphere contains a Security Dashboard that provides an aggregated view of all deployments in Azure or AWS. Get a consolidated customer security score, identify threats and offer remediation advice. 

Did you know that 30% of cloud spend is wasted? ArrowSphere’s Cost Optimization Dashboard gives insights into your customers’ cloud spend. Increase their trust and help them save cloud costs by sharing recommendations based on cost optimization advice provided by ArrowSphere. 

Cloud has an ecological footprint similar to that of the entire aviation industry. Our sustainability dashboard calculates the emissions of your deployments and tracks the emission evolution of your customers. Moreover, from 2025, many companies will need to publish this information.
Simplify the complexity of multi-cloud 

Acquire, provision and manage your cloud business; simplify the complexity of multi-cloud; and scale your operations swiftly and efficiently. Additionally, ArrowSphere can be expanded into your own brand’s marketplace, giving end users access to your entire product catalogue. 

ArrowSphere is the ideal solution to build cloud services around trusted Microsoft technology. The platform carries a full list of SaaS, Azure, perpetual and software subscription products. Enjoy fast and efficient quote-to-order experiences 24/7, and obtain insights into your customer’s cloud consumption via robust data analytics with predictive capabilities. 
Reward yourself & Book a demo!
Recognized by Microsoft and analyst firms IDC and Forrester, a win for you and for your customer. Learn how the platform helps you achieve operational and business excellence.  
© 2024 Arrow Electronics.